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Reviews of The Pro Energy Profiler

When I took the PEP, I was an executive who had spent 30 years working in large organizations in the areas of finance, strategic planning, and human resources management. This choice of career path was increasingly uncomfortable. While the PEP confirmed my training and skills in organization and business, it made clear that my real passion was as an Inspirer. In reviewing my assessment report, I realized why I'd been unfilled in my work, and where I wanted to go. I am now completing my doctorate in psychological counseling and will be moving into a career as a practicing counselor and university teacher.

Peter Nichols
Corporate Executive

I took the Pro Energy Profiler at a critical juncture in my work as historical preservation carpenter with the National Park Service. I was good at my job, but I felt that something was missing. The PEP showed me what that was. Now as a music teacher, I'm enjoying creating music, performing, and interacting with my students.

Sam Jannotta

My work with the Maryland Highway Administration involves writing and reviewing environmental documents and conducting environmental site assessments. While I've learned a great deal from these experiences, I've always felt something was missing. My PEP assessment showed my strongest interest as creative. In my duties to this point, I have not been utilizing my creative abilities at all! But I've discovered I can transition to a better fit for my creative interests in our landscape architecture department. There, I'll be using my creativity to design landscapes and use my drawing skills! Since I've made that discovery, I've been very excited and motivated.

Theresa Christian
Environmental Analyst

I'd been a senior executive of a management consulting firm for 12 years when I realized I'd become plateaued in my career and bored with my job. The Pro Energy Profiler dramatically pointed out why. I was passionate about being an inspirer but spending most of my time as an organizer. This insight led me to first restructure my corporate position, then to make the leap to become an independent executive coach. I enjoy my work as an executive coach. I am not sure I would have gotten here without the insights from the PEP - I certainly would not have gotten here as directly.

Sheila Maher
Executive Coach

I've been a career and life coach for over 20 years using a variety of assessments to help my clients design new directions in their lives and work. The Pro Energy Profiler stands out because it integrates the power of innate interests and talent as no other instrument does. The Pro Energy Profiler Workbook provides clear, easy-to-understand techniques for translating your distinct style of energy into signature strengths, an energizing vision, and a personal development plan. I highly recommend the Interest Profiler and the Pro Energy Profiler Workbook.

Leia Francisco, M.A., CJF
Life and Executive Coach

© 1991-2022 David C. Borchard, Ed.D., BCC
All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from David C. Borchard.